2009년 3월 30일 월요일

Daegu Taxi’s Starting Fee Raised to 2,200won(Before 1,800won)

SDC11246 SDC11247 SDC11248 SDC11249 SDC11250

Daegu(City of South Korea) Taxi fee has increased

2009.03.31 00:00

Starting fee 1,800 to 2,200

2009년 3월 4일 수요일

Using Windows Live Wirter

My Windows Live Writer’s version is 14


I’ve already used this tool for blogging.

But it’s first time blogging to www.blogger.com with Windows Live Writer.

Anyway I can blogging easier. Because Windows Live Writer has supported www.blogger.com

It’s good news for me. ^^

And I want to improve my Enlighs skill with www.blogger.com and Windows Live Writer.